Jane Bahneman Yoga


Welcome to Jane Bahneman Yoga! (in partnership with Virtual Nectar Yoga)


Our claim to fame is our well-known, down-to-Earth, practical (and fun!) approach to a brilliantly beneficial yoga practice!

In here, you'll find way more than a basic boring digital experience. We're specialized.
Pick your perfect place:

Option #1: Yoga for Basic Adulting

Option #2: Yoga for First Responders

Option #3: Yoga for Military

This ancient practice was built to address our human-ness, so we built our virtual yoga for brand-spanking-new beginners through stand-on-your-hands experienced practitioners and almost everything in between.

Your age, size, gender, race, job, fitness level ... none of that matters here.

You'll find what you need - we're just so happy that you're practicing yoga!

Enjoy a (pretentious-free) variety of creative class styles and class durations! Think classes like: "Yoga for Tight Shoulders", "Yoga for Better Sleep", "Yoga for Your Back" and "Brief Yoga Sessions for Beginners" alongside the more traditional "Flow Yoga", "Hatha Yoga", "Restorative Yoga", and more.

No minimums, no contracts. Need Additional Support? Visit our FAQs

#janebahnemanyoga #yogawithjane #virtualnectaryoga